Hello, I am Syed Moazam Ali
Experienced Mern Stack Web Developer specializing in React and Next.js. Passionate about crafting user-friendly interfaces and building efficient, responsive web applications.
About Me

Hi Everyone, My name is Syed Moazam Ali and I am from Taxila, Rawalpindi (Pakistan). I am currently pursuing my BS in Software Engineering from UET Taxila, Pakistan. I am a Experienced Mern Stack Web Developer specializing in React and Next.js. Passionate about crafting user-friendly interfaces and building efficient, responsive web applications.
Terms That can describe :
Web Developer
My Timeline 💫
BS (Software Engineering)
UET Taxila
Currently persuing my degree in Software Engineering from UET Taxila.I am also experienced frontend web developer specializing in React and Next.js.
Nov 2021 - PresentFsc(Pre-Engineering)
Fauji Foundation College Fateh Jang,Attock
I have done my FSC in Pre Engineering from Fauji Foundation College with A grade. I also actively participated in numerous co-curricular activities, honing my skills in various fields.
July 2019 - July 2021Matric (Science)
GBHS No 2 Fateh Jang,Attock
I have completed Matric with Science subjects from GBHS No 2 Fateh Jang,Attock with A grade. I have also got 3rd position in Tehsil.
April 2017 - Jun 2019Skills
Material UI
Next JS
Node Js

Connecter Website
Connecter is a Website created using NextJs 14 and Tailwind Css.

Chat Application
TeamSpeak is a Chat Application created using reactJs , NodeJs, ExpressJs and MongoDb.

AlSyed Ecommerce Website(Mern Stack)
AlSyed Ecommerce is an ecommerce website created using reactJs , NodeJs, ExpressJs and MongoDb. Admin has also dashboard to view products.

Hospital Complaint System (Mern Stack)
This is Hospital Complaint System developed for client for managing Complaints.It consists of Interfaces for GSO, Director and HOD. Director can track all complaints.

AlSyed Blog's
AlSyed Blog's is a blogging website created using NextJs and MongoDb. User can also contact the admin of the website using the contact form.

Dashboard created using ReactJs,Material UI and Firebase. User can add,delete and update the data. User can also view data in form of charts.

Web Me
Web Me is a website created using ReactJs and Material UI. It has an amazing UI and is fully responsive. It is a portfolio website.

Zee World Clone
Zee World is a website created using Next Js. It is a clone of the Zee World website. It is fully responsive and has an amazing UI.

Helping Hands
Helping Hands is a website created using ReactJs,Material Ui and Firebase. It is a website where people can donate and request for donations.

Frontend Mentor
Frontend Mentor is a website created using HTML,CSS and Sass. It has an amazing UI and is fully responsive.